LGT ProfitSense Insights

The Next 70 Years

Written by David Ovesen, CPA | Jul 8, 2020

David Ovesen, CPA started with LGT on September 1, 1987 as a staff accountant and along Lee Ann Collins, the current managing partner; Bill Walsh, financial advisors partner; and tax principal Renee Baugh, David is a ‘survivor’ of the 1987 LGT/Dohm & Wolf merger.

David was originally an accountant in our accounting and consulting services department, but later decided to change his focus into assurance services. His focus in audit created an opportunity for him to effectively lead the not-for-profit (NFP) niche at LGT. David’s enjoyment from working within this particular niche is due to the rewarding nature of working with clients that are passionate about their organization and mission. This provides LGT the opportunity to be continue its philanthropic ventures within the multitude of community outreach projects in the Metroplex area.

“I would like to think that even though I’m not an employee of the organization, what we do at LGT, whether it is preparation of a tax return, conducting an audit, or volunteering, continues to help the world and our community be a better place for generations to come.“

When asked about important highlights in his career, David will chuckle and tell you that it is all highlights. He will provide insight about how even the small not-for-profit tax return is just as important as the audit of a major museum. He will boast about how proud he is with his niche and LGT. In 2018, the not-for-profit niche lost key revenue generators and the niche could have thrown in the towel and said not-for-profit niche is done. Instead, the remaining niche team members rallied behind David and grew the niche back to full strength.

“It made us all realize that the NFP niche is more than just one person.  Everyone has stepped up to fill the void and we continue to serve the NFP community.”

David doesn’t just talk about how important it is to serve your community, he walks the walk. During this interview, David would rattle off a plethora of his favorite charities and organizations. From serving meals and making sack lunches for the homeless and mowing lawns for the elderly to proudly serving on the TXCPA (Fort Worth Chapter) Not-for-Profit planning committee, David sets an example for all employees at LGT and our community.

When looking to the future, David has his eye on retirement. But he isn’t leaving yet. His goal is to make a smooth transition to the next generation of firm leaders before he retires. He often talks about ensuring this happens by hiring the best and brightest.

“This is our firm’s 70th year and I want it to continue for another 70 years.  I feel we have the duty and obligation to leave the firm in a better position than when we joined.”


To reach out to David and talk about the future of your not-for-profit contact us today to set up a meeting.