CICPAC, the Construction Industry CPAs and Consultants group, always hosts one of the most valuable and interesting conferences to come down the pike for construction accountants. The following...
So, you’re back to build your own budget. If you need a refresher on budgeting methodologies, be sure to check out part one here. Once you’ve determined your methodology for creating your budget,...
As the end of the year approaches, it is a good time to think of planning moves that will help lower your tax bill for this year and possibly the next.
On the campaign trail, President Trump pledged that tax reform under his leadership would target carried interests — more widely known in the real estate industry as the “promote” in partnership...
Technological innovations and other recent developments are rapidly altering the job estimators perform for construction companies. Estimators are taking on a more collaborative, value-added role —...
Many opportunities may arise in a physician practice for providing ancillary services, depending on the nature of that practice as well as the physicians’ interests. A short list includes anesthesia,...
You’ve got a fence around the job site. Your heavy equipment is turned off and the keys stored securely. Your materials are tied down and, where possible, kept out of sight. But what about your...
Every medical practice faces ongoing challenges in maintaining a successful bottom line. New challenges arise whenever Medicare and Medicaid policy, or the economy, changes. Still, a handful of...
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